US Airways Flight 1549

Carolinas Aviation Museum

On 15 January 2009, Capt. Chesley ‘Sully’ Sullenberger, crashed his aircraft, US Airways Flight 1549 into the
Hudson River, New York. All of the 155 passengers and crew on board survived.


The aircraft, now a permanent artifact at the Carolinas Aviation Museum in Charlotte, has become a powerful symbol of the safety of modern flying. FRD was commissioned to develop a visitor experience, transforming the aviation hanger into an engaging attraction. The team developed a thematic plan and content for the whole museum, as well designing an exhibition to explain the miracle event and the broader story of air travel safety.

With the museum staff, FRD researched content, images, stories and artefacts to tell the story of the ‘miracle’ event. We were given valuable stories, images and information from Captain Sullenberger, NTSB, Airbus, US Airways, onlookers and the passengers, most of whom live in Charlotte.


“The centerpiece exhibit on US Airways flight 1549 is very, very well done. Lots of information, photos, artifacts, video and information on the miracle on the Hudson.”

Britney P, Tripadvisor

Documentation and

An exciting and uncharted part of the project was to document and conserve the airframe, none of which had been done before with a water soaked composite aircraft.  Every part of the aircraft was photographed and every item in the fuselage bagged before the plane was dried and travelled its long journey from New Jersey to North Carolina.


In 2013, Carolinas Aviation Museum won the Award of Excellence from the North Carolina Museum Council (NCMC).


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