Australian Army Museum of Military Engineering

Holsworthy, Sydney

The Royal Australian Army Museum of Military Engineering pays homage to the Sappers (Army Engineers)
who have contributed to society over the Corps’ long history.


The Museum relocated and significantly upgraded from a previous barracks site, and was intended as collection storage as well as an education space for new Sappers and visitors.

To add to the complexity, tight security, multiple stakeholders and hugely diverse artefacts had to be navigated. FRD’s role included masterplanning, heritage architecture, conservation planning, architectural planning and brief writing, exhibition design, graphic design, multimedia production, content development, text writing, picture research, and installation management.

FRD organised the Museum to provide an experience which delivered appropriate display conditions for decommissioned tanks, artefacts from the earliest days of the Engineering Corps, and valuable medals. The final design featured film footage, smaller galleries, a timeline with showcases along the interior of the long building, and large open display spaces to ensure that all objects were accessible and interpreted effectively.


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