Akershus and Oscarsborg Fortresses
Concept Proposal

A masterplan for the re-development of the 700 year old Akershus and Oscarsborg Fortress attraction in Norway, a national treasure and iconic guardian of Oslo.
FRD, in partnership with TRY, produced a masterplan for the re-development of the 700 year old Akershus and Oscarsborg Fortress attraction in Norway, a national treasure and iconic guardian of Oslo.
In September 2020, the Armed Forces Museum commissioned FRD and TRY to create a masterplan for the re-development of Akershus and Oscarsborg Fortresses. A project group comprising FRD and TRY conducted a highly collaborative four month study of the sites at Akershus and Oscarsborg, with the aim of reimagining these exceptional historic offerings. Via a series of workshops and in-depth, on the ground tours, consultation was sought from Armed Forces Museum military experts, historians, academics and fortress guides.
The central purpose of the masterplan was to bring together and resolve the complex series of elements making up the current Akershus visitor experience and propose plans to better utilise the space and transform the site into a fully-fledged cultural attraction and precinct.